Tiger & Bunny (UEDA Hiroshi)Chapter 34
Action Comedy Supernatural

The Metropolis Sternbild is protected by people with special abilities, the NEXT. Most of them work as the defenders of peace known as heroes, commercialized crime fighters who are promoted and rated by the media. Among them are veteran hero Kaburagi T. Kotetsu, called Wild Tiger, and rookie Barnaby J. Brooks who's been nicknamed Bunny by his partner, much to the latter's chagrin. The unlikely pair clashes like fire and water: the nonchalant loner Tiger only wants to act as an ally of justice and skips media events as much as he can, while the straitlaced Barnaby has a more modern approach towards his job and enjoys the attention he gets as a public figure. When a former hero known as Lunatic starts to wreck havoc and kills criminals instead of arresting them, these two have to reconcile their differences in order to fight their mysterious opponent.

Tiger & Bunny 2: The ComicChapter 19
Action Comedy Drama Supernatural

The sequel to *Tiger & Bunny: The Comic* and companion piece to the *Tiger & Bunny 2* Netflix anime. Now that the "Hero System" that originated in the metropolis of Sternbild has been introduced all over the world, the hero industry is booming. New heroes have joined Kotetsu and Barnaby's ranks on HeroTV - take a look at their everyday lives as they work hard to protect the peace of the city (and make their sponsors happy)!